


Illumanati and A Lister Celebrities Try To Kill The Only Supermodel In The World’s Dad.

The past two weeks for the only supermodel in the world have been hectic, she’s had her house, phone and body tapped (yet again) by A Lister serial killing celebrities and the Illumanati, who have all tried to kill her since 2020. Lisa Bree Hoggarth Monroe is an absolute miracle, she’s recalled 9/9 lives on Earth, not only Marilyn Monroe reincarnated, but also Goddess Of War, Athena. She remembers some of her life as Athena, ruling the heavens and earth before Jesus was around and “the most beautiful woman in the world.”


Lisa said, “they were watching me and saying ‘illumanati is watching you in your car.’ They have no right to do that.” She heard the artificial technology used on their victims, “we are serial killing celebrities, we are soul murdering today. We are going to kill you. We want you to be our next victim. We are hungry.” Terrorised and traumatised, Lisa utterly disgusted to hear of their cannibalism. “I saw a vision of a big room, me laying naked in the middle of the table with A Listers and Illumanati getting ready to feast. (On me). Their intentions are to murder my soul, take my spiritual form, cold blood murder me, rape my dead body and eat me.” Serena Williams supposedly wanted to dress the only supermodel in the world before she killed her, “yeah she said she bought me a dress.” Lisa’s heard them kill victims in her golden ratio and can’t believe how horrendous the celebrity is and sounds whilst doing it, “their spiritual selves and human forms are the epitome of rotten grotesques. They’re not human. Brad Pitt screams in a low vibrational voice, ‘shut the f*** up’ as he violently punishes the fan.”


Lisa didn’t sleep for 48 - 72 hours as they would’ve murdered her soul, continued taking her energy / spiritual form, they already did take some (Kate Moss and Serina Williams). “My higher self told me to stay awake, I was exhausted, these celebrities have the worst, most draining energy in the world. It’s sociopathic abuse! I had to keep moving in my house because all their spiritual forms were trying to murder my soul and inhabit my body, it’s revolting.” Then - a miracle happened.


For a while now, Lisa has known her past lives and known her Dad is Zeus reincarnated, well, celebrities and ILLUMANATI tried to murder his soul. “Golden ratio’s father, we are going to murder your soul” said the artificial technology when it invaded Lisa’s Dad’s house in the early hours of 3a.m. “I saw a vision of the clouds part and Zeus’ spiritual form coming down from heaven. Then my whole room lit up with lightning. Zeus is here!” Zeus’ higher self in heaven had seen his human form attacked by illumanati. He rotted all their artificial technology in an instance, just by looking at it. Then he stood at my door protecting me from 20 of their spiritual forms.”


Five days later, Lisa saw Lady Gaga (serial killers) video. Apologising for cancelling the end of her concert. “I saw a comment, ‘a lightning storm made her cancel.’” Zeus! Zeus is the god of lightning, thunder and the skies, among being a protector of all. They were using the artificial technology (now gone) to murder innocent souls and put programs in peoples aura, forcing them to commit suicide, “it’s a massive win that Zeus made it rot. I’ve said to Dad a couple times he’s my hero, but he doesn’t like being called a hero.”


** Please tell your family and friends not to comment on celebrities social media and not to reply to them if they contact from subsidiary accounts. They scam, murder, rape dead bodies and eat their fans. **


Lisa Bree Hoggarth Monroe


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